Gondar- The Camelot of Africa

Gonder, the cross roads of Ethiopian civilization, is located 50km north of lake Tana, 740 km north of Addis Ababa and situated in the foothills of the simian mountain at an altitude of 2,200meters above sea level .Gonder served as the capital of Ethiopia for more than 200 hundreds years from the rise of Fasiladas (1636-67) to the fall of Tewodros (1855-68) instruction in painting, music dance, poetry and many other disciplines thrived. Because of the focus on arts and architecture it has been labeled the Camelot of Africa. Gonder is famous for its massive ruins of imposing castles which depict the old days of our emperors and the skill and the craftsmanship used in the building of these several castles. The city was once a vigorous and vital center of religious learning and art the oldest and most impressive one is the two storey palace of emperor Fasiladas, built from roughly brown basalt stones. it reflects a number of architectural influence of Axumit, portages and Indian, the upper story offers panoramic views and lake Tana is visible on a clearer day , the castle has been renovate recently by the fund of UNSCO ,the castle compound is registered as world heritage.

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